xe88 apk I love Jacky Ha-Ha!!! #HaHaBookClub #JamesPatterson•One Kid's Life

I love Jacky Ha-Ha!!! #HaHaBookClub #JamesPatterson

Jacky Ha-ha is an AWESOME book about a girl who’s mom is away at war and her dad is mysteriously not coming home till like 9:00 at night and not telling Jacky and her 6 sisters why. Jacky always gets in so much trouble at school. She probably would be good, but she’s afraid of people making fun of her stutter, so she turns everything into a joke. When she is convinced to try out for the school play so she can trade in detentions, she meets Mrs. O’Mara. Mrs O’Mara is super nice and funny, and Jacky loves her.

This Book by James Patterson is SOOOOO good. You should definetely read it.

Thanks Mom for buying this book for me when I was sick with an ear infection! I loved it so much!

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