
I medaled at the Junior Olympics!! #Swimming #FunnestSport

I qualified for the swimming Junior Olympics in the mid atlantic region. It was amazing! In the 50 Fly, I got 5th place!!! I was so surprised when I dropped a second because I had already dropped  4 seconds this year!! I got 30.53. Next year I hope I get a 29! Guess what? My Fly time this year is better than my 50 FREE time last year! I can’t believe it!


I’m so excited! Me and my friend Maddie both got JO jackets. I love them! They have the events that we made it in and our last name on the back.


My Motivational Swimming Quote


isn’t on the other team,in the other league, or from

a different country. She’s tougher than all of them

combined. She’s that reflection you see every time

you rise for a breath. She’s always just a bit in front

of you. And she can never be beaten, which can be

a blessing and a curse. Because your toughest

competitor  and your biggest champion is


Kenzie Backstroke Kennett