Lilly Lobster and the Deep Dark Sea

I’m writing a book called Lilly Lobster and the Deep Dark Sea. I’ll be posting chapters on my blog if you like them and want to read more. Here’s the prologue:

Hi! My name is Lilly. Lilly Lobster. And I’m a mermaid princess.

The mermaid colonies weren’t always ruled by evil. In fact, just one year ago, it was ruled by good.

Me, Princess Lilly, and my family, King Mike and Queen Colleen ruled all of the mermaids in the Seven Seas. Now, Viiclorch, the evil sea monster rules everything.  The evil Viiclorch makes all of us mermaids build him a terrible big black rusty evil tower with our magic, even though it makes us very tired and weak.

We are all meeting secretly and planning defense against him. 


My Mother’s Day Acrostic Poem





You’re always there for me

Our time together is great

Under the blankets we like to read

Rich in love

Extraordinary person


Always is there for me

Makes every day wonderful

Awesomely cheers me on

Zillions of love

Is magnifecent at being a great mom

No day is fun without her

Gives great hugs and kisses



I love my mom!!!

I Love My Mom Because…..

I think my mom is the best mom EVER. I love my mom sooooo much. I love my mom because she is a great mom, blogger, picture taker, and hugger. She gets invited to a lot of trips, and when she has the opportunity to bring me, Kyle, and dad, she brings us. And sometimes when she can’t bring us she doesn’t even go so she can stay with me, Kyle, and dad. Also, when me or Kyle get sick when she’s away, she comes back home as soon as she can.

And when I get sick, mom helps me so, so much and takes care of me really well.

Mom and me ran a 5K  together at Disney World when I was 5 and it was so fun!!!! I can’t wait to run the Mothers Day 5K with her this Sunday!

About two months ago, me and mom went to Miami for the “Blue” Carpet priemiere of Rio2. It was just a me and mom because we are the only bloggers in the family. It was so fun just being with mom and basicly having our own little vacation.

I love my mom so much and want to tell her thank you for every thing she does.

rio 2 popcorn


My What If Statements

What if cats could talk?

At my school, I go to gifted. At gifted me and about 11 other kids do really fun stuff. One of them is journaling. Our teacher, Mrs. Melcher, gives us all a promt for us to write in our journal. One day, our promt was to write 3 ` What If ‘ statements. Here are mine:

  • What if we had 100 eyes?
  • What if the ocean was pink?
  • What if grasshoppers were as big as a lake?
  • What if we were as small as a frog?
  • What if human beings didn’t exist?
  • What if cats could talk?
  • What if fairy tales were real or existed?
  • What if you could go into and expirence any book that you read?
  • What if we couldn’t talk?

Those are my ` What if ‘ statements. What are yours?